Page 19 - PoolPals Maintenance Product Guide 2024
P. 19

Water Testing

                      Test Solution #1                                                        2-Way Test Kit
                      OTO                                                                     Test for pH and chlorine/bromine.
                                                                                              Bulk ..............................TK405
                      Solution #1 - OTO, ½ oz. (yellow capped) ................. TS811        Clamshell ................. TK405PP
                                ½ oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 24 each.
                      Solution #1 - OTO, 1 oz. (yellow capped) ................... TS813      4-Way Test Kit*
                                1 oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 12 each.
                      Solution #1 - OTO,  Gallon   ...................................... TS817  Tests pH, chlorine/bromine,
                                                                                              acid demand, and total alkalinity.
                                                                                              Bulk ..............................TK400
                                                                                              Clamshell ................. TK400PP
                      Test Solution #2
                      Phenol Red                                                              4-Way Test Block
                      Solution #2 - Phenol Red, ½ oz. (red capped) ...........TS821           Standard replacement 4-way test
                                ½ oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 24 each.             block with built in color scale for
                      Solution #2 - Phenol Red, 1 oz. (red capped)............. TS823         commonly used tests .....R400B
                                1 oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 12 each.
                      Solution #2 - Phenol Red, Gallon   ............................ TS827
                                                                                              4-Way Test Kit
                                                                                              w/DPD1 & DPD3*
                      Test Solution #3                                                        pH, acid demand, and total
                                                                                              alkalinity. DPD tests for free
                      Acid Demand, Total Alkalinity                                           & total chlorine/bromine.
                                                                                              Bulk ..............................TK415
                      Solution #3 - AD/TA, 1 oz. (white capped) ................. TS833       Clamshell ...................TK415C
                                1 oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 12 each.
                      Solution #3 - AD/TA, Gallon   .................................... TS839
                                                                                              Cyanuric Acid
                                                                                              Test Kit
                                                                                              Test Solution, test tube and directions.
                      Test Solution #4                                                        Part#: TK810
                      Chlorine Neutralizer

                      Solution #4 - Chlor. Neut., ½ oz. (green capped) ........ TS841
                                ½ oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 24 each.
                      Solution #4 - Chlor. Neut., Gallon   ............................ TS844  Test Strips
                                                                                              Test strips, 3 ‘N 1
                                                                                              50 per bottle ...................TS802
                      Test Solution #5                                                        Test strips, 5 ‘N 1
                      Total Alkalinity                                                        50 per bottle ...................TS804
                      Solution #5 - Total Alkalinity,  ½ oz. (blue capped) ..... TS853        Test Tablets
                                ½ oz. bottles sold in case quantities of 24 each.
                      Solution #5 - Total Alkalinity, Gallon .......................... TS857  DPD1 Tablets
                                                                                              Free Chlorine & Bromine
                                                                                              10 tablets per pack,
                                                                                              100 packs per box. .........TS800
                                                                                              DPD3 Tablets
                                                                                              Total Chlorine & Bromine
                      Test Solution Cyanuric Acid                                             10 tablets per pack,
                                                                                              100 packs per box ..........TS830
                      Cyanuric Acid Solution, Gallon, boxed ....................... TS875

                      Test Solutions - Retail Packaged

                      Sol.#1-OTO & #2-Phenol Red, ½ oz. ea. ...............TS890CS

                       *4-Way Test Kit includes #4 Chlorine Neutralizer needed for some tests.
                                              800.420.3255  •                                      18
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